Missing Phase Data

 Product(s):Exor Noticing Manager

Problem Description

When a works is queried in the TMA Works form (TMA1000), only the works ref and street details show - the phases part of the form is blank.

For example:



There can be a few reasons for this issue.  The main ones are

To check for the above, run this query:

SELECT twor_works_ref,
  FROM tma_phases, tma_works
 WHERE     tphs_phase_no = <phase number>
       AND tphs_works_id = twor_works_id
       AND twor_works_ref = <works ref enclosed in single quotes>;

If the working hours is blank, run this to resolve the issue:

UPDATE Tma_Phases
   SET Tphs_Working_Hours = '0'
 WHERE     Tphs_Working_Hours IS NULL
       AND tphs_phase_no = <phase number>
       AND tphs_works_id = (SELECT twor_works_id
                              FROM tma_works
                             WHERE twor_works_ref = <works ref enclosed in single quotes>);

If the challenge details are blank and you know a duration challenge has been sent or received (this can be checked in the Monitor Web Service Transactions form (TMA3000) if you're not sure), contact Bentley support who can reset these values for you.

See Also


 Original Author:Lee Jackson