IM4 Find Enquiry Pod not working

 Product(s):Exor Information Manager


Trying to search for an enquiry using the Pod 'Find Enquiry'.  However, after entering a search term, the following error message appears:


ORA-00904 "C061" invalid identifier


The error is due to a limitation on the number of columns displayed within IM4 (60 fields).  The number of columns needs to be reduced in order for the search to return results successfully.  In order to adjust the number of fields, following the instructions below:

  1. Log into IM4 and select the 'Admin' tab.
  2. In the left hand pane, select 'Pod Maintenance'.
  3. Edit the Module IM1200.
  4. Under the section 'Pod Source', make a copy of the source code and remove the fields you do not require from the 'select' statement.
  5. Apply changes and run the FInd Enquiry Pod.

See Also

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External Links

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 Original Author:Fezan Khan