Asset Metamodel: ORA-20011: Cannot create NM view trigger

 Product(s):Exor Asset Manager
 Area:Asset Metamodel

Error or Warning Message

Asset Metamodel: ORA-20011: Cannot create NM view trigger.


I am creating an asset metamodel. I have finished creating the model and everything has been fine until I went to create view. Normally it comes back with three messages stating that it has created a table in the background. After pressing ok for the first one it gave the following error.


Unexpected error Occurred

ORA-20011: Cannot create NM view trigger for "AWPS".

Duplicate ITA_DISP_SEQ_NO records exist

ORA-06512: at "NM3INV_VIEW", LINE 2540

ORA-06512: at "NM3INV



How to Avoid

The error says that there are two or more entries with same sequence number as shown in screenshot below.


Use unique numbers for Display sequence column and recreate all views.

See Also


 Original Author:NT