How to... (Installer)

Who is the section for?

This section is dedicated to person responsible for successful BECS installation. The BECS installation is thanks to its installation guide very easy and comfortable.

Who am I?

Person responsible for BECS installation is mostly the IT specialist, member of company admin group, project architect or standard IT network or system administrator responsible for company servers. This person does not necessarily need to be a member of implementation project team. For installation is not necessary to have clear project implementation scope.


What are required skills I need to have?

The BECS installer is a regular computer user and does not need to have any special knowledge. The BECS installation guide and the BECS installation videos will help to install BECS, guiding you through the BECS installation and its prerequisites step by step.

Because installation will work with adding of standard Windows features as well as running installation of different prerequisites, beneficial is to have basic Windows administration skills and Windows user profile with admin user rights is essential.


What needs to be ready before starting my work?

To start a successful installation the installer must have prepared an integration server, where the BECS is going to be installed and internet connection. For more details see section “BECS Prerequisites” below.


When my role starts in overall BECS integration project?

The installation is the first phase in the BECS integration project, implementation phase requires fully functional and installed BECS integration server.


What is my task list?

The installation is performed by following major steps:


The How to... (installer) section consists of two subsections to help the BECS installer to install BECS on the integration server, guiding through the BECS and Scheduler installation step by step:

BECS installation
Scheduler installation