How to migrate users to a custom activation group

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Administration
 Subarea: Client Access Restrictions
 Original Author:Jeremy Hoesly, Bentley Technical Support Group

The following support solution provides strategies for migrating users to a custom activation group and preventing unauthorized use of a main site activation key.


Custom Activation Groups are a powerful tool for managing access to product licenses, especially for users with SELECT Open Access or an Enterprise License Subscription. An administrator can create a custom activation group with a subset of licenses applicable to a team or office, for example. Any workstations configured with the custom activation group will have access to this subset of licenses only, causing any unauthorized products to stop functioning after 30 days. Additionally, the custom activation group can be disabled or revoked at any time by an administrator without affecting the main site activation key provided by Bentley.

To benefit from custom activation groups, workstations must be configured to use one instead of the main site activation key. The following section provides methods for reconfiguring workstations.

How to reconfigure workstations

Option 1: Provide instructions to users for reconfiguring workstations.

For small offices, an administrator can provide instructions to users with the following instructions.

  1. Open the License Management Tool. This can be done from a Start menu shortcut or from within a Bentley product.
  2. Select Options from the Tools menu.
  3. Change the value in the Site Activation Key field to the Custom Activation Group.
  4. Click OK to save changes.
  5. Close the License Management Tool.

Option 2: Use Active Directory Group Policy to reconfigure workstations.

For larger offices or for license setting enforcement, an administrator can specify the new custom activation group in a Group Policy Object (GPO) and deploy it to workstations. The following news article provides more information.

Option 3: Use LicenseToolCmd to reconfigure workstations.

For offices that do not utilize Active Directory Group Policy, a command-line licensing configuration utility included with Bentley products can be used to reconfigure workstations instead. The following batch file provides a template that can be modified as needed.

How to prevent access to the main site activation key

To force users to utilize a custom activation group instead of the main site activation key, please perform the following steps:

  1. Visit the SELECTserver administration site. For most users, this will be on SELECTserver OnLine.
  2. Enter the Bentley login for a SELECT site administrator if prompted.
  3. Select Client Access Restrictions from the Site Configuration drop-down.
  4. Select the Access Restrictions Enabled radio button if not already selected.
  5. Click the Add a New Restriction button.
  6. In the window that appears, specify an IP address that does not exist on your local network, and click the OK button.
  7. A new listing will appear in the Client Access Restrictions list. To activate it, click the red circle.

Any users still configured with the main site activation key will encounter activation errors when using their products.

See Also

[[SELECTserver TechNotes and FAQs]]

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