CONNECTION Client recommends update program even newest version is installed

 Product(s):CONNECTION Client

Error or Warning Message

CONNECTION Client recommends to install Navigator CONNECT Edition update ( but after installation it is again shown. Why it doesn't detect that Navigator is already installed?


For some reason the older Navigator version was still existing in the system or it was not property uninstalled. In addition the newer version was installed on your system too. That's why CONNECTION Client detected older Navigator version and recommended to install newer version.

How to Avoid

1. Check what version(s) is installed on your machine (review in Control Panel -> Programs and Features list). If there is any older version installed. In case you see two versions of the same program, uninstall the older version and reboot your machine.

2. If there is any technical issue with the CONNECTION Client, please navigate to the following location and provide Technical Support with the log file "Bentley.Connect.Client.exe.log" located in: C:\Users\{logged.user}\AppData\Local\Bentley\ or use %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Bentley\Logs

See Also

How to Download the CONNECTION Client

 Original Author:Darius Rimasauskas