ProjectWise Glossary - O

ProjectWise Glossary - O

[[5543|A]]    [[5544|B]]    [[5545|C]]    [[5546|D]]    [[5547|E]]    [[5548|F]]    [[5549|G]]    [[5550|H]]    [[5551|I]]    [[5552|J]]    [[5553|K]]    [[5554|L]]    [[5555|M]]    [[5556|N]]    O    [[5558|P]]    [[5559|Q]]    [[5560|R]]    [[5561|S]]    [[5562|T]]    [[5563|U]]    [[5564|V]]    [[5565|W]]    [[5566|X]]    [[5567|Y]]    [[5568|Z]]

Open datasource
A datasource which you are currently logged in to.

See Local Document Organizer.

OR group
An additional page of search criteria, on either the Search Form or Search Builder dialog. An OR group is used when you want to search on multiple values for the same attribute.

Overlay document
A document that contains markup of a DGN or DWG document.