User Notification "Invalid condition type for evaluation as a simple control"

Product(s): WaterGEMS, WaterCAD
Version(s): 08.11.xx.xx and higher
Area: Output and Reporting



The following user notification appears after validating or computing a model:

Invalid condition type for evaluation as a simple control.


This can happen if the control's condition or action is a composite conditions or action. Double click the notification to view the control. Change it to a Logical control, or if you need to use simple controls (for example for steady state), use a simple condition and action instead of a composite.

Tis can also happen if you are using a condition or action that is not supported with simple controls. Simple controls only support Junction and Tank Hydraulic Grade, and Pressure, or Time from Start and Clock Time. For example pipe flow is not a valid simple control condition.

See more: Simple Controls vs. Logical Controls

See Also

Creating Controls - Conditions, Actions, and Control Sets (CONNECT Edition)