Updated CULTEC storage chamber library

Product(s):Bentley PondPack, CivilStorm, SewerGEMS
Version(s):PondPack:, CivilStorm/SewerGEMS:


CULTEC Storage Chamber library data has been available for PondPack, SewerGEMS and CivilStorm for some time now, and has recently been updated to include the Recharger® 902HD storage chamber model.

This latest version of the CULTEC library will also be included automatically in the V8i SELECTseries 5 release of CivilStorm and SewerGEMS and in any subsequent PondPack versions released after the writing of this article (May 2015)

Downloading and Installing

To download a copy of this updated CULTEC Storage Chamber library library, click the below link:

Download CULTEC.xml

Before downloading this file, note the two options below:

Option A - If you already have a version of PondPack, SewerGEMS or CivilStorm that includes the CULTEC library, you can simply overwrite the previous copy of the file. To do this:

1) Open the software, go to Components > Engineering Libraries, expand Storage Chambers, expand CULTEC.xml, expand the folders and click one of the individual storage chambers.

2) On the right side, you will see a path shown next to "Engineering Library Source". Make note of this folder path and then close the software. For example the default path to this file for PondPack on a Windows 7 computer is C:\ProgramData\Bentley\PondPack\8\Libraries\

3) Now, when saving the CULTEC.XML file, choose to save to this location and choose yes when asked if you'd like to overwrite the existing file.

4) Re-open the software and the new sizes will be available in the CULTEC Storage Chamber engineering Library.

Option B - If you have one of the compatible versions of PondPack, SewerGEMS or CivilStorm but either do not see an existing Hydro International vortex valve library included, or if you have a problem with it, follow these steps:

1) Download and save the updated CULTEC.xml file to a suitable location on your hard drive (for example PondPack on Windows 7 or 8: C:\ProgramData\Bentley\PondPack\8\Libraries\)

2) Open the software and go to Components > Engineering Libraries

3) Right click on "Storage Chamber Library" in the list and choose "Add existing Library..."

4) Browse to the location where you saved the CULTEC.xml file to and double click it. It should now appear in the engineering library.

6) Click the close button. You can now use the updated CULTEC storage chambers.

Using CULTEC Storage Chambers

To use the updated CULTEC storage chambers after the above installation:

1) Open the software and go to Components > Storage Chambers.

2) Click the Synchronization Options button (purple book icon) and choose "import from library"

3) Expand CULTEC.xml, select the storage chamber you'd like to use and click "select"

4) The storage chamber will now appear in the Storage Chamber manager and can be selected in any pond in that model. If you'd like to import another storage chamber, repeat steps 1-4.

5) To use a CULTEC storage chamber in the model, open the properties of the desired pond element, select "Storage Chamber System" as the Pond Type and select the CULTEC chamber from the "storage chamber" list.

6) Enter the parameters for the specific chamber system (how many rows, chambers per row, fill depths, etc)

What if I Have Multiple Products?

If you have more than one compatible product (such as PondPack and SewerGEMS or SewerGEMS and CivilStorm) and would like to use this updated library in both/each of them, follow the same steps above for either option A or option B, for each product. For option A, you would override each pre-existing copy of CULTEC.xml. For option B, you can either save multiple copies of the CULTEC.xml file and browse to each respective file within the product's Engineering Library Manager, or you could simply save a single file and browse to that from each product.

See Also

Modeling Underground Storage Chambers 

Brentwood Industries Storage Chamber Libraries