Applies To | |||
Product(s): | Bentley WaterGEMS, Bentley WaterCAD, Bentley HAMMER | ||
Version(s): | 08.11.XX.XX | ||
Environment: | |||
Area: | Layout and Data Input | ||
Subarea: | |||
Original Author: | Mark Pachlhofer, Bentley Technical Support Group | ||
How can I input field hydrant pressure data measurements and compare those to the models values for multiple hydrants?
1) Create as selection set of nodes that are to be included for your test. For steps on how to create a selection set please refer to this wiki:
2) Open the Fire Flow alternative that is current for the scenario you’re working in
3) Set the Fire Flow Nodes to the selection set that you’ve just made in step 1
4) In the lower part of the dialog box global edit the “Specify Local Fire Flow Constraints?”. If you're not familiar with how to global edit elements then you can have a look at this wiki which describes the process:
5) Set the needed fire flow to equal the measured flow for your hydrants.
6) Once you do this and run your fire flow analysis there is a results field that you can add to fireflow flextable that is titled “Pressure (Calculated Residual @ total flow needed” and this will give you pressure at the fire flow that you specified regardless of what is actually available. If need help with setting up your fire flow run please have a look a the quick start lesson that comes with the software titled "Automated Fire Flow Analysis". You can also have a look at the following wikis for understanding fire flow results:
and FAQ's for Fire Flow: