Scaling text that is very small or large when zoomed in or out

Applies To
Product(s):Bentley WaterGEMS, Bentley WaterCAD, Bentley SewerGEMS, Bentley CivilStorm, Bentley StormCAD, Bentley PondPack, Bentley StormCAD, Bentley HAMMER
Environment: Standalone
Area: Layout and Data Input
Subarea: N\A
Original Author:Mark Pachlhofer, Bentley Technical Support Group


Problem Description

When I place text using the text placement tool and zoom out the text is very small. Is there a way to scale the text?

Steps to Resolve

1. Locate the text that you want to scale and right click on it.

2. Choose the "Scale" option and move your mouse up and down until you get the text to the proper scale. Left click once to lock the scale of the text.

* Note that if the style setting in the element symbology is set to GIS style the placed text will be zoom independent like the elements and annotations in the mode, but if the style is set to CAD style the placed text will be zoom dependent. See the wiki link below for how to change the drawing style for better viewing.

See Also

Changing symbol size or text height for elements in a model

Changing the drawing style for better viewing of element symbols and annotations