Error message 41303 "Cannot open report file"

Product(s): WaterGEMS, Hammer, WateCAD


What does the following error message mean:

Error message 41303 "Cannot open report file".


This typically occurs when the model files are in read-only mode. Try the following:

1) Close the model, navigate to the folder where the model is stored and delete the output files (.OUT, .RPC, etc). If you are uncomfortable deleting the output files, try moving just the .WTG file and the database file to a new folder, and opening the model from there. For the latest version of WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, and HAMMER, these files are the .WTG and .WTG.SQLITE files, for older versions it is .MDB.

2) Close the model, navigate to the folder where the model is stored, right-click on the model files and select Properties, then unselect "Read-only".

3) If you are attempting to open the model from a read-only media such as a CD or DVD, the files need to be copied locally first (for example a folder in My Documents), and then the read-only attribute will need to be removed.

4)Import database file into a new model, File>Import WaterGEMS database.

See Also

What files are needed to run the program? 

"File not found" message when trying to open model file