Quick Graph

 Product(s):SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, SewerCAD, WaterGEMS, WaterCAD
 Version(s):10.00.00.XX and later
 Area:Output and Reporting


The quick graph feature allows you to quickly view a graph of a single element in the drawing. The Quick Graph automatically updates to display data for the selected element.



Available Fields

You can select the attribute to graph by choosing it from the drop-down list of common attributes for the type of element selected. Double-clicking on the active attribute will toggle through the available options. You can also click the arrow [>] button next to it to see a complete categorized list of available attributes for the selected element.


Graph Display


The Quick Graph dialog can be docked to one of the application window's sides or with another floating or docked window. This can be done by clicking on the title bar and dragging the cursor over a docking icon.


To zoom into the Quick Graph, click in the window then drag down and to the right. This will create a box around the zoom area. While zoomed into the Quick Graph, you can hold down the right-click in the graph window to pan the graph.

Hide X-Axis

The Hide X-Axis icon allows you to toggle the display of the x-axis labels to show more of the graph. This is useful if when using a time format that takes a lot of vertical space. The X-axis is turned off automatically for bar graphs.

Specify Y-Axis Limits

The Specify Y-Axis Limits icon allows you to set custom minimum and maximum values for the y-axis.

To change the minimum and/or maximum values, check the Specify Y-Axis Limits box and enter the values in the Minimum and Maximum fields.

You can use the Calculate Range button to determine the best minimum and maximum values to use across all elements of the selected type. Clicking the Calculate Range button opens a dropdown list with the options Full Range and Quick Range.

Set Field Options

The following field options can be edited by right-clicking on the x or y-axis and then clicking "<Field> Properties".

Time Slider

A bold black vertical line displays in the graph at the current time step. The time step can be changed by clicking and dragging that line or by using the Time Browser (Home>Calculation>Times).

Selected Element

When selecting a single element, the graph will be displayed in the quick graph window. Each element type has a default list of common fields. This list is available in the drop-down list in the quick graph window. Each element type also has a default common field selected. This will be the graph that you see initially. If you change the field selected then that same field will be selected the next time you select any of that element type.

For Example:
If you select “Headloss” when you have a pipe selected then the next time a pipe is selected “Headloss” will be the field selected. This setting is per session. As long as you keep the program open it will remember the last used field. If you close and reopen the program then the original default selection is used.


The Quick Graph dialog will display the message "Select a single element from the hydraulic network" if one of the following is true.

The Quick Graph does not contain data.

This may be due to one of the following.
The element is inactive.
The element was added after computing.

Open a Full Graph from a Quick Graph

To access the full graph from the quick graph window, click on the Open Graph button shown above. This will allow you to save the graph, change chart options, change series options, etc. as well as view the data table for the selected elements.

View a Saved Graph in the Quick Graph window

Quick Graph can also quickly display saved graphs without requiring each graph to be opened and closed individually.

To get to a saved graph simply do the following.
1. Open the Graphs Manager from the View menu or the View toolbar.
2. Select any graph in the list.
3. That graph will then be displayed in the Quick Graph window.

Note: Any custom settings saved with the graph will also be applied and viewed in the Quick Graph as well. The only exception is that the legend is always turned off, even if it is on for a saved graph.

Graph Types (Line Series, Bar Chart, Scatter Plot)

The type of graph displayed is based on the available results.

Customizing the Graph Options and View a Data Table.

1. Open a Full Graph from the Quick Graph (see above).
2. Click the Add to Graph Manager icon, enter a name and select OK.
3. Edit the graph. This could include:

5. Save the graph
6. The changes can then be viewed in the Quick Graph window (see above).

Changing and Computing the Current Scenario

The quick graph is always based on the current scenario.

Changing Current Scenario

When you have an element selected and you change the current scenario the quick graph will automatically update. For example, if you have a pipe selected and the current scenario is EPS (more than 1 time step) then it will display a line graph by default. If you switch to a scenario that is steady-state (a single time step), the graph will change from a line graph to a bar graph. This will only occur if the new current scenario has results available.

Computing Current Scenario

When you have the quick graph window open and you compute the current scenario the results displayed in the graph will automatically update. So if the current scenario initially has no results then no graph is displayed. After computing the current scenario the quick graph will update to reflect the results. If the calculation failed in any way and the results do not exist or are not available then no graph is displayed.

See Also

What's new in SewerGEMS CONNECT Edition

Graphing Made Easy with Quick Graphs

How to set the default graph property

How to set the common graph fields