Customizing the Flushing Field Report

Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD
Area:Output and Reporting


Is it possible to customize or modify the appearance of the Flushing Field report? 

Some examples:


As of version, the appearance of the Field Report cannot be directly modified. It was configured in such a way that it should work well for almost all cases. However, the report can be exported and modified externally in cases where the default appearance is not sufficient.

  1. Click the export button at the top-right corner of the print preview, choose to export to Excel format, then modify as needed in Excel before printing. 
  2. You can also export the Flushing Area Summary Table in the latest release.

See more: Exporting Flushing results to Excel or other standard format

See Also

Flushing operators report graphic or background is blurry in the print preview