ProjectWise Integration

Product(s): WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, PondPack,  SewerCAD, HAMMER, WaterCAD, CulvertMaster, FlowMaster
Version(s):  08.11.02.XX and higher



This article explains how ProjectWise integration works with the OpenFlows applications, and what you need to do in order to integrate.  


What is ProjectWise?

ProjectWise is a suite of software from Bentley Systems aimed at helping manage, find, and share CAD and geospatial content, project data, and documents. This enables you to control who has the model open and has made changes, rather than using a shared network folder (for example) which cannot control this.

Enabling ProjectWise Integration

ProjectWise integration must be enabled before the OpenFlows product can directly interact with ProjectWise.
First, ensure that the version of your OpenFlows application is compatible with your ProjectWise version. This is documented in the following article: Platform Compatibility
Note on "bitness"If you are using the 32-bit version of ProjectWise, you will need to use the 32-bit version of the OpenFlows product.   You cannot use the 64-bit version of the OpenFlows product with the 32-bit version of ProjectWise.
Note on PondPack, FlowMaster and CulvertMaster: as of this writing these products use the more simplified approach by way of the File > ProjectWise menu (disregard the steps below about the XML file).  
Steps to enable Integration:
Browse to C:\ProgramData\Bentley\(product name)\10\ (or "8" for V8i)  and open ProjectWiseIntegrationLocalOptions.xml in text editor. Note that you may need to first run the text editor as Admin in order to have permission to save changes back to the file.
Note: for civil products (OpenRoads, OpenSite), locate the file here: C:\ProgramData\Bentley\SUDA\10 
Next, find the line that sets the PWDIR variable (PWDIR="") and change it so that it refers to the directory where a supported version of the ProjectWise Explorer is installed, such as PWDIR="C:\Program Files (X86)\Bentley\ProjectWise\". If you have a 64-bit operating system, also set PWDIR64 to the path for ProjectWise, which is typically C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise.
For users with the 64-bit version the XML would look like this after the necessary changes are made;



    PWDIR64="C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise"



For the MicroStation platform, you must enable the ProjectWise iDesktop integration for Microstation when installing the ProjectWise Explorer client software. You can also Change the ProjectWise Explorer installation to enable this from the Windows Control Panel.
The ArcGIS platform will automatically detect an installed ProjectWise Explorer.

The AutoCAD platform does not currently support ProjectWise integration.
Once the integration is completed restart the program and go to File > Open. This should open up the ProjectWise datasource window. Enter the ProjectWise credentials for login and access to files stored will be available.

What is Captive Environment?

The term captive environment refers to the state of integration when the user cannot save documents to or open documents from the local file system.  They are "captive" or forced to work in the ProjectWise environment.

Captive Environment Setup for Users

 Open ProjectWiseIntegrationLocalOptions.xml in text editor (see above for the location).

Locate the following string below on this text file and change UseCaptiveEnvironment ="true" and save it. It will read:
 PWDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise"
 PWDIR64="C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise"
*** Make sure to close out of Projectwise and the hydraulics and hydrology programs to see this change.

Captive Environment Setup for Administrators

Open ProjectWiseIntegrationLocalOptions.xml in text editor.  It's the same file we used for the program's integration with ProjectWise and it is located on your local drive C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\ProjectWiseIntegrationLocalOptions.xml

Locate the following string below on this text file and change UseCaptiveEnvironment ="true" and save it
 PWDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise"
or for 64 bit operating systems
PWDIR64="C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise"
*** Make sure to close out of Projectwise and the hydraulics and hydrology program to see this change. 




Spatial Reference System (SRS)


        The SRS is a standard textual name for a coordinate system or a projection, designated by various national and international standards bodies

       The primary use of the project's SRS is to create correct spatial locations when a managing a project in the ProjectWise Integration Server's spatial management system.
       The SRS name comes from the internal list of spatial reference systems that ProjectWise Spatial maintains on the ProjectWise server and is also known as the "key name." To determine the SRS key name, the administrator should browse the coordinate system dictionary in the ProjectWise administrator tool (under the Coordinate Systems node of the datasource), and add the desired coordinate system to the datasource. For example, the key name for an SRS for latitude/longitude is LL84, and the key name for the Maryland State Plane NAD 83 Feet SRS is MD83F. 

Single Sign-on and Auto-login support

·         Single Windows login allow you to login each time you open Microstation or any other platform

·         Auto-login gives you option to remember the data source next time you log into this application


Document creation wizards



Selecting No Wizard here also ensures that if you attempt to create a new document in an integrated application, the application will open whatever ProjectWise dialog it normally uses to create new ProjectWise documents.
Selecting Advanced Wizard here also ensures that if you attempt to create a new document in an integrated application, the application will open the Advanced Document Creation Wizard.
Setting --no default wizard-- here also ensures that if you attempt to create a new document in an integrated application, the application will open the Select a Wizard dialog.

Saving a model into ProjectWise

Be sure to save your model into ProjectWise (so it saves as a file set) as opposed to drag/dropping the files manually. See more here:
Models not opening properly from ProjectWise when manually uploaded via drag / drop

See Also

What is the workflow for using ProjectWise with the MicroStation integrated interface and the OpenFlows product line?

Models not opening properly from ProjectWise when manually uploaded via drag / drop

Model results not saving to ProjectWise