Will Support be Discontinued for CulvertMaster 3.3?


NOTE: last updated March 19th, 2020.

On March 19th, 2020, CulvertMaster CONNECT Edition was released.

The Bentley Support Policy states that Support will be discontinued for Pre-CONNECT Edition product versions, and that SELECTserver license pooling will also be discontinued. So, to ensure continuous support for CulvertMaster, ensure that you upgrade to CulvertMaster CONNECT Edition. This is also important with the upcoming retirement of SELECTServer, which is the licensing method used by CulvertMaster version 

How to upgradeDownloading OpenFlows Software

A note on updated licensing: Note that the CONNECT Edition release also introduces the new standard Bentley licensing method, Subscription Entitlement Services. Users will need to sign in to the CONNECTION Client to activate, as with the latest versions of the other OpenFlows products. See more here: Licensing OpenFlows products - Subscription Entitlement Service

See Also

Bentley Application Support Policy for PondPack, FlowMaster and CulvertMaster

How to receive alerts on new version availability