What's new in FlowMaster CONNECT Edition?



FlowMaster CONNECT Edition was first released in August, 2018 as version number

The CONNECT Edition was then re-released in December, 2018 as version to add CONNECT Licensing and support for ProjectWise CONNECT Edition.

Another update was released in March, 2020 as version to incorporate fixes to a few user-reported issues and to include an updated CONNECTION Client version.

FlowMaster CONNECT Edition introduces the following updates.

What's new?

The CONNECT Edition release includes fixes to issues previously reported in V8i, and ensures that you will have continuous support per the Bentley Support Policy.

Projects saved in the CONNECT Edition are not compatible with V8i. Meaning, once you save a model in the CONNECT Edition, it cannot be opened in V8i or earlier.

Updated Licensing Method: Subscription Entitlement Services

The release of FlowMaster also introduces the new licensing method, Subscription Entitlement Services (SES), a major advancement in Bentley's product licensing methodology. This new method gives organizations much more control over license usage and reporting, with the capability to establish concurrent use thresholds, groups of users with different levels of access and more.  More information can be found here: Licensing OpenFlows products - Subscription Entitlement Service

Important note: with this new licensing method, you will need to sign in to the CONNECTION Client (included with installation of FlowMaster). If you do not currently have an account that is properly linked to your organization, please contact your Site Administrator, who can add you.

The release of FlowMaster is labeled "Update 2" to be in alignment with the other OpenFlows products (such as WaterGEMS and SewerGEMS), which also introduced the new licensing method in their Update 2 release. This way, there is a clear distinction between SES-enabled versions and older, SELECTserver licensing-enabled versions.

Other Updates

Project files now use SQLITE as the underlying database technology, replacing Microsoft Access Database (MDB). Benefits include:

Updated Tabular Reports:

Updated Report Print Preview

ProjectWise CONNECT Edition support (starting with version

Supported Platforms

Operating Systems:


PondPack Supports 08.09.xx.xx and 08.11.xx.xx (link)
PondPack and greater Supports 08.09.xx.x,  08.11.xx.xx and 10.XX.XX.XX (link)

Silent mode syntax

This version uses newer installation technology similar to CONNECT Edition of the other OpenFlows products, which use a /q switch for silent mode. See: Performing a silent installation for Bentley's Water and Storm/Sewer products 

See Also

Downloading OpenFlows / Hydraulics and Hydrology Software

Set up notifications for new versions and patch set releases