Pipe numbering vs. number of pipes in model

Product(s): WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, HAMMER, SewerGEMS, StormCAD, SewerCAD, CivilStorm, PondPack
Version(s): 10.00.00.XX and newer
Area: Licensing


When elements are deleted, and new ones are created they are given a sequential ID.
Do the deleted pipes count toward the license limit?

[Problem ID#: 70784]


The numbering of the pipes comes from the labeling under Tools > Options > Labeling.
The label numbering does not represent how many elements are in the model, and contribute to the license limit.

To view the quantity of an element type in your model open the FlexTable for that element type and the sum will be displayed on the lower-left corner as long as there is no Filter applied.  This total does represent the count of the elements contributing to the license limit.

[Solution ID#: 500000087909]

See Also

How can I reduce the number of pipes in my model?

Element label editing and automatic numbering

Setting the License Feature Level in the Feature Level Selector

Do inactive elements count against the license count?