How can I publish my computed model results to a SCADA HMI?

  Product(s): WaterGEMS  
  Version(s): and higher  
  Area: Output and Reporting  



Starting with V8i SELECTseries 6 of WaterGEMS, the user can publish computed model results to a SCADA HMI (Human Machine Interface) screen by way of an OPC server. This can be a powerful way for Operators (without experience with WaterGEMS) to simulate a future event and see what happens in the system using a user interface that is more familiar to them - the actual HMI screen.

This ability of SCADAConnect Simulator to publish results is independent from its ability to import data from a SCADA and display along with model results. SCADA Signal elements are not required for results publishing, as the model elements are directly mapped and published to OPC Tags.


Steps to Set Up Results Publishing

NOTE: older versions of WaterCAD and WaterGEMS have a different user interface in SCADAConnect, so the steps and screenshots below may look different. Check the links in the "See Also" below for information on using SCADAConnect in older versions.

1) To publish model results to a SCADA HMI, Open SCADAConnect Simulator from within WaterGEMS, navigate to the Configure tab and click the Results Publishing button.

2) Populate the rows in the table with the model elements you would like to publish, the attribute and the corresponding OPC tag to publish to.

3) Click the OPC Server Connection button and confirm that your server shows up. This requires an OPC Client and Server software installed and configured properly.

If this has already been done and you do not see the name show up next to "OPC Server", or if you cannot connect via the "host" option, try opening the 32-bit version of WTRC/WTRG using the WaterGEMS.exe file from within the root of the installation folder.

4) Next, click the Publish Units tab and change the units as needed.

5) Click OK Twice. At this point, an operator can use the SCADAConnect Simulator screen to set up an event that they would like to simulate, then select a Baseline Scenario and compute. The Time Browser button can then be used to publish results to the HMI screen. As the timestep is changed, results for that timestep will be published to the OPC server and the HMI screen will read from that.

Note on using custom HMI:

SCADA results can be published to any OPC Server that conforms to DA and HDA OPC standards. In some cases there is custom HMI available which is built as per specific requirements. In such cases, the HMI can read from the OPC Server and display the results. WaterGEMS publishes the results to the OPC Server and the HMI then reads from the server. This allows the use of custom HMI's as long as the results are successfully published to the OPC Server.

See Also

SCADAConnect Simulator for WaterGEMS V8i SELECTseries 6

SCADAConnect Simulator in WaterCAD and WaterGEMS V8i SELECTseries 5

SCADAConnect in SewerGEMS

Will SCADA Results Publishing work with only OPC sources?

Automatic processing of results (or other) data using an extensible data exchange framework