Element label editing and automatic numbering

 Applies To 
 Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, HAMMER, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, StormCAD, CivilStorm, PondPack
 Version(s):08.11.XX.XX, 10.XX.XX.XX
 Area: Layout and Data Input
 Original Author:Craig Calvin, Bentley Technical Support Group


How can I specify automatic numbering format for new elements as they are added to the network?


Go to, Tools > Options > Labeling tab

Note: in the CONNECT Edition, the Options dialog is here:



From here, you can set how new elements will be labeled for each element type.



Labeling Table Columns

How to edit existing element labels

Elements that have already been placed can be edited in the "Label" field of the Properties grid for individual elements.



FlexTables can also be used to edit existing element labels and make it easier to edit multiple elements at a time.



All elements in the FlexTable can be edited at the same time by right-clicking on the "Label" column heading, then clicking "Relabel…".



The following three types of relabeling operations can be performed:


Replace: This operation allows you to replace all instances of a character or series of characters in the selected element labels with another piece of text.

Example: P could be replaced with the word Pipe by entering P in the Find field, Pipe in the Replace With field, and clicking OK. P-1 would be replaced with Pipe-1 and so on.


Append: This operation allows you to append a prefix, suffix, or both to the selected element labels. 

Example: Suppose that you have selected the labels 5, 10, 15, and 20, and you wish to signify that these elements are actually pipes in Zone 1 of your system. You can use the append operation to add an appropriate prefix and suffix, such as P and -Z1, by specifying these values in the Prefix and Suffix fields and clicking the Apply button. Performing this operation yields the labels P5-Z1, P10-Z1, P15-Z1 and P20-Z1.


Renumber: This operation allows you to generate a new label, including suffix, prefix, and ID number for each selected element.

Example: If you had the labels P-1, P-4, P-10, and Pipe-12, you could use this feature to renumber the elements in increments of five, starting at five, with a minimum number of two digits for the ID number field. You could specify a prefix P and a suffix -Z1 in the Prefix and Suffix fields, respectively. The prefix and suffix are appended to the front and back of the automatically generated ID number. The value of the new ID for the first element to be relabeled, 5, is entered in the Next field. The value by which the numeric base of each consecutive element is in increments, 5, is entered in the Increment field. The minimum number of digits in the ID number, 2, is entered in the Digits field. If the number of digits in the ID number is less than this value, zeros are placed in front of it. Click the Apply button to produce the following labels: P05-Z1, P10-Z1, P15-Z1, and P20-Z1.




See Also

How do I append a prefix to element labels based on a selection set of elements?