How do I enter time series field data and add it to my graph?

 Applies To 

WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, SewerCAD, WaterCAD

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition, V8i
 Original Author:Mark Pachlhofer, Bentley Technical Support Group


How do I enter time series field data and add it to my graph? (so that I can graph observed data along with calculated results)


If you have observed data that you would like to plot on a graph for an element so that you can view it layered on top of your model data, Time Series Field data can be used. This enables you to see how well calibrated your model data is to your field data and help identify differences in your model.

Note: the latest versions of the Water and Storm/Sewer products have a SCADA Element, which may be a much better option for viewing field data alongside model results. 


1) Go to Components > Time Series Field Data

2) Right click on the element that you'd like to enter time series field data for and choose 'Add'


3) Choose the associated modeling attribute (property) which you will be creating the time series field data for

4) Choose the start date and time the data was collected, click the ellipsis button next to the element row to select that element in the drawing to which the time series field data will be associated with, and finally enter your time series field data in the table below.

5) In the model right click on the element you added the time series field data for and choose graph. When the graph series options dialog opens you can select Flow under the common or results section which will add your model results to the graph. Next, go to the time series field data result (highlighted below in red) and select the time series field data property. 


My time series data is not lining up with my results

  1. Check your time series field data start date/time compared to the simulation start date/time. See the below article for more.
  2. There is a known issue in version and earlier related to the time units (reference # 499940). Make sure the units used in the time series field data match the units in your graph. Right click on X axis (horizontal dark line below the graph), choose Time Properties, change the time unit, click OK.

It takes too long to set this up for many elements

Consider the SCADA Signal feature. See article below for more.

See Also

Importing Time Series Data Using ModelBuilder

New SCADA Element annotation and reporting abilities

Negative values shown for Time in Time Series Field Data