"Access to the path... is denied" in log file

 Applies To 
WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, PondPack,  StormCAD, HAMMER,, WaterCAD
 Versions: All
 Original Author:Mark Pachlhofer, Bentley Technical Support Group


When I look in my log file for my software I see a few lines that mention  something similar to "Exception in RecentFilesListManagerSettingsFile.Save: UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path

 "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Bentley\WaterCAD\8\Haestad.Framework.Application.RecentFilesListManager.xml'    is denied.:


There are setting on your computer that may prevent the software from accessing files in potentially protected file locations.  This may not impact the operation of the program but to ensure that changes you make are saved, use the below information.


The steps below use WaterGEMS as an example but, this may be used on any program.

Set the program to "Run as an administrator" every time you open it.

  1. Close the software.  
  2. Locate the icon on the desktop or Start menu and right click on it then choose Properties.
  3. Click on the Compatibility tab and select the check box for "Run this program as an administrator".            Note: This may require your IT department to give you rights to run this program as an administrator
  4. Now re-open the program.

Run the program as an administrator one time

  1. Close the software

  2. Locate the icon on the desktop or Start menu and right click on then select "Run as administrator".