MrSid files are not available as a background layer type or an error is generated when loading MrSid

Applies To     
Product(s): WaterCAD, WaterGEMS, SewerCAD, SewerGEMS, StormCAD, CivilStorm, HAMMER  
Version(s): 10.01.XX.XX and higher  
Area:  Output and Reporting  


MrSid files are not available as a background layer type or an error is generated that says " "MrSID files are only supported when running the 32bit version of the application."


MrSid files are no longer supported starting with the CONNECT Edition Update 1 releases (10.01.XX.XX) for technical reasons because of the introduction of Bing Maps.

In earlier versions, MrSID files were only supported in the 32-bit version of the OpenFlows application. When you open the application from the shortcut on the desktop of your computer, it will be opening the 64-bit version by default (on a 64-bit Operating System).

If you need to use the MrSID file as the background file (in a version below CONNECT Edition Update 1), browse to the installation folder and open the file program executable file, such as "SewerGEMS.exe" for SewerGEMS. This will be the 32-bit version of the program and you will be able to use the MrSID file as a background.

The alternative would be to convert the .SID file to another supported file type or consider Bing Maps.

See Also

What file types are supported for background layers in the standalone platform?