Why does the Pressure (Calculated Residual) field display N/A for a steady state or EPS run?

Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD
Version(s):CONNECT Edition, V8i
Area:Output and Reporting


Why does the Pressure (Calculated Residual) field display N/A for a steady state or EPS run?


The residual pressure field is available for fire flow analysis but is shown as N/A for other types of analyses. The calculated residual pressure is the calculated pressure at any node during a fire event.

The Pressure (Calculated Residual) field will only display results during an automated fire flow analysis.  This is done in order to understand how much residual pressure there is at that junction or hydrant apart from the fire flow analysis.

During automated fire flow, a value of "N/A" will also be shown for nodes that are not part of the Fire Flow Nodes selection set, as specified in the Fire Flow alternative.

See Also

Understanding Automated Fire Flow Results

WaterGEMS and WaterCAD Automated Fire Flow FAQ