Using the Fire Flow Results Browser to view results during a fire flow in FlexTables and Properties

Applies To   
Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD 
Version(s):CONNECT Edition, V8i 
Area: Modeling 
Original Author:Mark Pachlhofer, Bentley Technical Support Group 


What is the Fire Flow Results Browser used for? 


The Fire Flow Results Browser is a quick place to check if a fire flow node passed or failed. Starting with WaterGEMS and WaterCAD CONNECT Edition Update 3, you can also get some additional information related to why a fire flow node failed. Rather than simply saying that it failed, you can see if the fire flow node failed because of residual or zone pressure constraints. You can access this in the CONNECT Edition releases by going to Analysis > Fire Flow Results > Fire Flow Results. In V8i, go to Analysis > Fire Flow Results Browser.

While being able to quickly see if a fire flow node passes or fail can be useful, the primary used for the Fire Flow Results Browser is to to check results for others elements in your model during individual fire flow runs. If you were to simply view the element FlexTables after computing the fire flow run, you would see the results during the steady state run that the fire flow run is based on. However, by using the Fire Flow Results Browser, you will be able to view results during a given run. 

As an example, suppose you wanted to view the flow and velocity in all pipes when the fire flow demand is applied to to a junction. If you highlight the junction label in the Fire Flow Results Browser and then open the pipe FlexTable, the results displayed will be the results when the extra demand is applied to that junction. Similarly, if you are using color coding or annotations, the results in the drawing will be updated to show the color coding and annotations applicable to the selected fire flow run.

Before using this tool, ensure that the options under the "Auxiliary Output" section on the right side of the Fire Flow alternative are set correctly, notably the Fire Flow Auxiliary Results type and Output Selection Set. This will ensure that the desired results are saved and that the output files are a reasonable size. See more here:

See Also

Understanding Automated Fire Flow Results

WaterGEMS and WaterCAD Automated Fire Flow FAQ