What's New in SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, SewerCAD, and StormCAD CONNECT Edition Update 3 (Build 10.03.00

Product(s):SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, SewerCAD
Version(s): /


The new CONNECT Edition Update 3 release of SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, SewerCAD, and StormCAD (build 10.03.00.xx) introduces improvements to help you be more successful.

Note: this was initially release as version but later re-released as (and for SewerGEMS) to incorporate address a few issues (missing implicit calculation options, AutoCAD 2020 integration issue, Z coordinate not showing on mouse-over a terrain model and chart options showing in Chinese)

Table of Contents

Compatible Operating Systems and Platforms

Supported Operating Systems

Compatible Platforms

Supported Platforms:

See: Platform Compatibility

Support for EPA-SWMM 5.1.013

Support for EPA-SWMM 5.1.013 has been included in the Explicit solver for SewerGEMS and CivilStorm. Also, new options and properties have been added to elements and calculation options in support of the new solver version, such as the "Surcharge Method" (Slot or Extran) calculation option.

Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH 2013) Rainfall Model Storm Type

The updated Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH 2013) rainfall model is now supported as a storm type within Storm Data dialog. You will be able to get a point-based XML file from the FEH Web Service and import this into the Storm Data dialog.

Support for the Chinese (XinAnJiang) Rainfall-Runoff Method (SewerGEMS/CivilStorm)

Support or the Chinese (XinAnJiang) Rainfall-Runoff Method has been included in the latest version of SewerGEMS and CivilStorm. This is not currently included with the GVF solvers in the storm-sewer products. This is only available in the Chinese language version of SewerGEMS and CivilStorm.

Further Collaboration with OpenRoads Designer

Enhancements to the hydraulic calculations and reporting when an OpenRoads Designer user is further empowered with a license of OpenFlows StormCAD, SewerCAD, CivilStorm, or SewerGEMS. For more information on modeling subsurface utilities in OpenRoads Designer, see the following link: Understanding OpenFlows Hydraulics and Hydrology Functionality in Subsurface Utilities / OpenRoads.

Model Compatibility 

Models saved in earlier versions of SewerGEMS, StormCAD, SewerCAD and CivilStorm can be opened in this version.

See: Model backward / forward compatibility

Stability enhancements and fixes to reported issues

As with all new versions, this release includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.

See Also [Top of Page]

SewerGEMS TechNotes and FAQs

CivilStorm TechNotes and FAQs

SewerCAD TechNotes and FAQs

StormCAD TechNotes and FAQs

Downloading OpenFlows / Hydraulics and Hydrology Software

Software installation order

Cumulative patch set information

Set up notifications for new versions and patch set releases