Creating or opening a project in the MicroStation integrated mode

 Applies To 
 Product(s):WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, PondPack, SewerCAD, HAMMER, WaterCAD
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition, V8i
 Environment: MicroStation
 Area: Modeling
 Original Author:Mark Pachlhofer, Bentley Technical Support Group


How do you create a new file or open an existing file in the MicroStation-integrated version of a OpenFlows product such as StormCAD?


When attempting to lay out elements in a new DGN, the following message occurs:

"The current model does not contain a hydraulic model. Please use New or Attach Existing on <product name> Project menu prior to running other <product name> commands."


1. Open the "...for MicroStation" shortcut. 

2. Create a new DGN file or open an existing one

3. The next step will depend on the version of MicroStation you are using. With MicroStation CONNECT Edition, from the OpenFlows ribbon menu, select Hydraulic Models, then either Attach New... or Attach Existing...

With MicroStation V8i, from the OpenFlows product menu, go to Project > Attach New... or Attach Existing...

See Also

What is the workflow for using ProjectWise with MicroStation for the hydraulics and hydrology products?

Trying to attach an existing .STC file in StormCAD for Microstation and the file doesn't appear in the folder location

Troubleshooting MicroStation Integration

OpenFlows product menus missing from Ribbon interface for MicroStation CONNECT Edition integrated version

How do I lay out an element a certain distance or angle from another element in the hydraulics and hydrology products for MicroStation?