Cumulative patch sets for Hydraulics and Hydrology products

  Product(s):  WaterCAD, WaterGEMS, HAMMER, SewerCAD, SewerGEMS, StormCAD, CivilStorm, PondPack  
  Version(s): CONNECT Edition, V8i  
  Area:  Installation  




Cumulative patch sets for OpenFlows | Hydraulics and Hydrology products provide fixes to previously reported software problems (known issues). See above for a list of applicable OpenFlows products. As the name implies, these patches are cumulative, including all available "hotfixes" for the respective version (see further below for how to find the list.) These patches are helpful for short-term potentially work-stopping issues so that you do not need to wait for the next full version release. (see note further below) They contain mostly updated .DLL files which automatically replace other .DLL files in the installation folder for a particular OpenFlows product that contained the reported issue. 

A "known issue" is a software defect that has been found either by one or more users, or through internal testing, and was deemed important enough to resolve in a patch (rather than waiting for the next release). 

Starting in early 2019, patches are delivered with a .MSP (Microsoft Patch) extension. Prior to this, they were executable (.EXE) files. When run, the MSP-based patches will look similar to the original installation wizard, and will prompt you to Update the software, after an automatic initial check to ensure you have the right version installed.


Where can I download cumulative patch sets?

Currently, cumulative patch sets can be requested by contacting Technical Support (Forum / Service Request)

Can I get patches/fixes without having to contact Support?

As of 2019, updated versions of the products are released on a quarterly basis, which include patches/fixes from the previous version's patch set, plus more. To check for such updates, open the CONNECTION Client (a small application that runs in your System tray when using Bentley products) and check the "Applications" section for updates. If an update is available and you have the permission to do so, you can install the update from the CONNECTION Client.

Between these version releases, fixes for potentially work-stopping issues are delivered as a "hotfix" cumulative patch set for the existing production version, and you will need to contact Technical Support to receive it (if you cannot wait for the next release.)

See also: How to receive alerts on new version availability

Note that if you upgrade your version, models saved in the new version cannot be opened in older versions, unless the "update" version is the same. For example models saved in CONNECT Edition Update 3 version can be opened in Update 3 version See more here: Model backward / forward compatibility

Why doesn't the version number change after installing a patch? 

Currently, the cumulative patch sets replace individual patched files (mostly .DLL files) in the product's installation folder for issues reported by users for that particular version of the product. This is different from Bentley products that use "priority builds" -  a full installation file that includes the patched issue, with a new build number. There is value in uniquely identifying patched versions (especially when managing large deployments, where it is important for all users to be on the same "update") but there is also value in the ease-of use for patch sets (quicker installation, no compatibility concerns). As a compromise, current patch sets will update the date seen in the product's "About <product name>" window to show the date of the patch that was created. This way, a user can check if they have a patch (and if other colleagues in their company have are on the same patch) by looking at this date.

If you have applied a cumulative patch set and do not see the updated date, you might be using a patch that was either from before the dates were updated, or it was accidently missing the component to update the date. To confirm the patch date in these cases, navigate to the product installation folder, sort by modified date and look at the date of the "Patchlog" text file that should appear as the most recently modified file.

Where can I find a list of fixes included in a cumulative patch set?

A list of the known issues and their fixes is included in a patch log text file. Currently, after patching, this can be found in the product's installation folder, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\<product name>" on a 64-bit computer and "C:\Program Files\Bentley\<product name>" on a 32-bit computer. The file is a text file named "PatchLog.txt".

Are the fixes from a patch also included in later product versions?

Yes - all known issues resolved in a particular cumulative patch set will be carried over to the next major product release. For example the fixes in a patch set for version are included in the base release of When a new version is available, you can safely upgrade without fear of losing a fix from a patch in a previous version.

Troubleshooting errors or other problems with patches

If you encounter the following error or anything similar, please ensure that all instances are the OpenFlows product are closed (including platforms: AutoCAD MicroStation and ArcMap) and try right clicking on the patch and choose "run as administrator". You may also want to try re-downloading the patch in case the download was not complete. Further, ensure that the product and version that you have installed matches that label of the patch that you are trying to run. If that does not help, try rebooting your computer. If the problem still occurs, try temporarily disabling your antivirus or anti-malware in case it is interfering.

"Error Occurred during copying files from extracted location to installed directory. Contact tech Support"

If the patch installer indicates that the access to the path for one of the files is denied, try checking the read only attribute of the file. Browse to the file location as seen in the patch installer, right click on the file, choose Properties, then ensure that "read only" is unchecked.

If all else fails, the patched files can be manually extracted from the patch executable file. Before doing this, please confirm that the patch's intended product and version matches the product and version you are trying to patch. The executable file can be opened with a compression utility such as 7Zip or Winrar. For example with 7Zip, right click on the .exe file, choose 7Zip > Open Archive. Inside you will find a zip file, which contains folders corresponding to the product names. The files in the root of the product name folder should be extracted to the root of the product's installation folder, and the files in the x64 subfolder should be extracted to the x64 subfolder within the product's installation folder.

If you're encountering a green Windows Defender dialog when trying to run the patch, indicating that the app is unrecognized - this is normal and you can dismiss it by choosing "More Info" and then "Run Anyway".

Antivirus or security software flags the patch as a virus or suspicious

This has been known to occur starting in January, 2019, due to more strict checking of some antivirus and security software. The cumulative patch set may be falsely flagged as potentially malicious, due to the methods it uses to check your version and install the patch. You may need to add an exception in your antivirus or security software. Bentley will investigate amendment to the patch set installer to change its methods so as not to be detected as a false-positive with security software.

Are Patches Provided for Older Versions?

Generally speaking patches are version-specific and only create for the latest available release (even if the older version is still supported per the Support Policy). Meaning, our Development team generally does not produce patches for an older versions. If you are on an older version and encounter an issue that has been patched, it is best to upgrade to the latest release which may already have the fix included (and enable you to receive a patch for the latest version if required). If you have a Bentley subscription but are not able to upgrade and have encountered an issue that has been patched in a newer version, please contact Technical Support.

See Also

Downloading OpenFlows | Hydraulics and Hydrology Software

What is the installation order for the product files that I have downloaded?

How can I find out when a new version or patch is released for a Hydraulics and Hydrology product?

Error installing patch set: "Cannot create output file: ..."