How are Pressure Pipes, Pressure Junctions handled in the different solvers of SewerGEMS ?

Product(s):SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, SewerCAD, StormCAD
Version(s):08.11.XX.XX, 10.XX.XX.XX
Area:Layout and Data Input


How are Pressure Pipes and Pressure Junctions handled in different solvers of storm-sewer products?

Problem ID#: 84524


GVF-Convex - Pressure Pipes are treated as expected. Always flows full (uses EPANET engine), air valve nodes needed to model high points with part-full flow downstream. 

Pressure junctions are treated as expected.

Explicit - Pressure Pipes are treated as expected. High points handled automatically. Flow can be pressure or part-full depending on the hydraulics. Pressure junctions are treated as manholes with high surcharge

Implicit - Pressure Pipes are treated as expected. High points handled automatically. Flow can be pressure or part-full depending on the hydraulics. 

Pressure junctions are treated as expected.

GVF-Rational - Pressure Pipes are treated as conduits. Pressure pipe roughness is converted to conduit roughness and no pressure loops are allowed. pressure Junctions are treated as bolted manhole with a diameter set to zero. Rim elevation is set to highest crown elevation of the connected pressure pipe(s).

See Also

Differences between solvers: GVF-Convex vs. GVF-Rational vs. Implicit vs. Explicit (SWMM)