Exception error when solving for normal depth in FlowMaster



When attempting to solve for normal depth in a worksheet such as circular pipe, results are not calculated (or do not change), and the following red message is displayed at the bottom of the worksheet window:

"Exception of type 'Haestad.Support.NumericalMethods.RootFinding.BracketingOutOfRangeException' was thrown"


This can happen if Normal depth cannot be solved because it would be above the pipe top. Try choosing a smaller discharge value, then generate a rating curve to view what the maximum flow is, or solve for discharge with normal depth equal to the diameter/size of the channel. 

To avoid this issue you will need to use a smaller flow, steeper slope or smoother roughness.

Note that a future version of FlowMaster may handle this situation in a more user friendly manner (instead of an error message) - reference number 738993.