Working with gIDraw and Snaps Tutorial

 Product(s):gINT Logs, gINT Professional, gINT Professional Plus
 Area:Report-Multiple General


Working with gIDraw and Snaps


gINT is much more than a log production program. gINT’s range of product features include powerful output and import/export capabilities, impressive data interrogation tools, and superb drawing tools that can be used within reports, symbols, and general applications. Although gINT is completely user-definable, when you purchase the program, you receive a set of “custom” sample data, enabling you to jump right in and start using gINT almost immediately.

Because gINT is such a powerful application with so many user features, it is important to understand the basic processes before moving on to the more complex functionality of the program. This guide is designed to give you a fundamental understanding of how the gIDraw applications in gINT function.

Using gIDraw

In seven of the nine report styles, gINT uses the gIDraw interface to create the report entities that determine the look and feel of the selected report. gIDraw is basically a CAD application, and all the report form editors such as site maps, general symbols, and data markers use this foundation to create graphics. gIDraw is the basis for all graphic editing within gINT. When you understand gIDraw, you will understand all the other graphic editing screens in gINT.

gIDraw also supports the creation and editing of gINT drawing files (*.GDW). These files can be generated via gIDraw directly or by outputting any gINT graphics to a gINT drawing file. For example, outputting a fence diagram to a GDW file allows you to modify the fence in gIDraw before final output.

Because of its fundamental position in gINT, gIDraw is the recommended starting point for learning how to do graphic editing in the program. 

See Also

 Original Author:Kathleen Holcomb