How To Check and Change the AGS ABBR Fields on a KeyLAB Sheet


How To Check and Change the AGS ABBR Fields on a KeyLAB Sheet


Sometimes when you export test data out of KeyLAB to AGS it gives errors which are shown below.

These errors are caused by the value which KeyLAB is putting into the CONG_TYPE heading not matching the value expected in the ABBR table. This document will show you how to check and change these fields and stop these errors. This applies to all errors were the "heading name does not exist in the ABBR table" not just the CONG_TYPE.


The first step is to check what the value should be. There are two way to check what the value should be. The first and simplest is to go to the AGS Administrator in KeyLAB.

you will need to go to the correct version of AGS you want to check then the ABBR tab. You can then select the heading name in this example the CONG_TYPE. You can see in the list there are three options. When the AGS file is created, these values will be produced in the ABBR and if what we are reporting in the KeyLAB sheet doesn’t match it will give the error.

The second way to check what values should be in the ABBR is to go to the AGS website and download a full list of the standard ABBRs (KeyLAB used this list to create the list in the AGS Administrator).

Fixing the Errors

Once you know what the values should be you can go and correct the KeyLAB sheet so it correctly gives the information to the AGS.

The first step is to identify which of the Data cells in the Sheet is mapped to the CONG_TYPE field. Go to the Sheets button and find the test name and click AGS mapping.

Once in the mapping you can select the version of AGS. The window will then show you a list of the Test definition (in the property column) and any current AGS fields which they are mapped to. The CONG_TYPE is mapped to the Test Type. From here you can go to the sheet and find that name range.

All you need to do is change the text in the data cell to match the value expected on the ABBR. in this example removing the “1D “.

Its important to remember that because we have modified the input sheet you will need to go and re-save the older test so they updated the sheet and save the new ABBR value to the database. If you don’t do this step and just try and export the AGS it will still have the same problem as the value in the database hasn’t been updated.