Other Keynetix Tools

Over the years, the Keynetix team have developed a number of smaller tools that help resolve issues with your data and do some more fun things! Please contact support if you wish to download one of these tools.

To download any of these files, please put in a service request with our support team at https://apps.bentley.com/srmanager/ProductSupport with the filename in the description and a member of our support team will send a copy of the file to you.

Data Entry Feedback Tool

This is a beta tool that has been developed to allow for fast data entry and creation of CSV data for importing into HoleBASE SI.

Schedule Designer

The Schedule Designer can be used to design new schedule sheets that are compatible with KeyLAB but can be used by anyone with Microsoft Excel to fill in data as required.

KeyLAB Import Feedback Tool

The KeyLAB Import Feedback Tool allows you to convert data from a range of dataloggers output files directly into KeyLAB. The tool has been created to allow users to provide feedback on the range and requirements of import formats before we upgrade the main importer into KeyLAB.

Network Licence Manager

The network licence tool is the program that runs the HoleBASE SI and KeyLAB licences. This should be run on the server that will run to the licences and where the other machines can connect to.

SQL Database Backup Tool

This tool has been developed to backup your HoleBASE SI databases with as much ease as possible.

HASP Licence Diagnostic Tool

This tool has been developed for helping with troubleshooting common licence issues with HoleBASE SI and KeyLAB.

HASP Licence for HoleBASE and KeyLAB

This is the licence tool that runs the HoleBASE SI and KeyLAB licences on a local machine or allow for the local machine to connect to the server.