These templates have been designed to support the production of reports for the indicated agencies. While we have worked to ensure these templates are current and produce correct results, we make no warranty of suitability or correctness. These files are provided at no charge and they are to be taken as-is. You are free to modify these files.

PLEASE NOTE: Report forms available here are compatible with Version 4 and later, unless otherwise noted on specific forms. Any report with a Last Update of 19 May 1998 or later requires gINT version 4.15.003 or later.

If you own gINT Logs you will only be able to output logs reports listed here.
gINT Professional or gINT Professional Plus are required to output fence diagrams, text tables, and all lab test reports (graphs, histograms, graphical tables, and graphical text documents). To upgrade your license capabilities, please contact us.

 See [[Using gINT Downloaded Examples]] for instructions.


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[[Using gINT Downloaded Examples|File Contents]]

Last Update

Alabama Department of Transportation

Form BMT-5

17 Apr 2001

Alberta Transportation

Borehole Log
Stick Log
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

19 May 2006

Army Corps of Engineers (U.S.)

Drilling Log (legal paper)
Drilling Log (letter paper)
FORM 1836 MAR 71

06 Aug 2020

HTW Drilling Log
FORM MRK 55 Jun 89

24 Oct 1998

HTRW Drilling Log
form 5056-R, AUG 94

04 Jun 1998

Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville

ENG Form 1836
ENG Form 2087
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

24 Feb 2004

Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists

See the AGS 3.1
or AGS 4 page

British Columbia Ministry of Transportation

Summary Log
Rock Core Log
Test Pit Log
Stick Log: Test Hole with Atterberg Limits
Stick Log: Test Hole with grain size data
Stick Log: Test Pit with Atterberg Limits
Stick Log: Test Pit with grain size data
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

15 May 2004

California Department of Transportation (CalTrans)

Borehole Log

28 Feb 1998

California Department of Water Resources

Well Completion Report
(v. 5 and later)

02 Aug 2002

Connecticut Department of Transportation

Boring Report
v. 6 and later)
View Text File

06 Oct 2003

Edmonton (City of)

Geotechnical Log
Well Log
(v. 5 and later)

22 Jan 2020

Federal Highway Administration, Denver Office

Log Form
Fence Form
(v. 5 and later)

18 Jul 2002

Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Reconnaissance Offshore Sand Search (ROSS)

Borehole Log
Sieve Graph
Sieve Table
Fence (2D)
Fence (3D)
(v. 7 and later)
View Text File

24 Jul 2005

Florida Department of Transportation

Borehole Log
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

07 Dec 2003

Harris County (Texas) Flood Control District

Log of Boring

03 Jun 1998

Illinois Department of Transportation

Soil Boring Log
Rock Coring Log
Shelby Tube Log
Fence Diagram
Atterberg Limits Graph
Grain Size Graph
Subgrade Support Ratings
Textural Classification
BD 508A

Download both files and read the TXT file before installing the EXE.

06 May 2001

Illinois EPA

LUST Borehole Log
IL 532-2275; LPC 501 Dec-96
LUST Well Completion Report
IL 532-2274; LPC 500 Dec-96
(v. 6 and later)
View Text File

22 Sept 2005

Illinois EPA

Field Borehole Log
Well Completion Report
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

18 July 2003

Iowa Department of Natural Resources

Soil Boring Log and Monitoring Well Construction Diagram
DNR FORM 542-1392
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

15 Oct 2003

Kowloon-Canton Railroad Project

Borehole Log (A4)
Borehole Log (A3)
Fence Diagram (A4)
Fence Diagram (A3)

07 Jun 1998

Louisiana Department of Transportation

Soil Boring Log and Test Pile Report
Log output in Metric and English Units

08 Jan 2002

Michigan Department of Transportation

Soil Boring Data
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

14 Dec 2003

Minnesota Department of Transportation

Foundation Boring Log



Download both files and read the TXT file before installing the EXE.

29 Jan 2001

Montana Department of Transportation

Log of Boring
(v. 5 and later)

06 Feb 2002

City of Montreal

Rapport de Forage
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

15 Jan 2003

Nevada Department of Transportation

Exploration Log

25 Sep 1998

New Jersey Turnpike

Boring Log
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

20 Dec 2003

North Carolina Department of Transportation

Boring Log
Core Boring Report
Fence Report

Please contact Michael Wang or Cheryl Youngblood to request gINT files.


Ohio Department of Transportation

Soil Boring Log

Download from the Ohio DOT site.

Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Mines and Reclamation

Borehole Log
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

30 Dec 2003

Ontario Ministry of Transportation

Record of Borehole
Grain Size Plot
Plasticity Chart
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

15 Jun 2002

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources

Form 6
Form 7
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

29 Dec 2003

Puerto Rico Highway Transportation Authority

Log of Boring
Log of Test Pit
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

29 Dec 2003

Saudi Aramco

Boring Log
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

28 Dec 2003

South Carolina Department of Transportation

Soil Log of Boring
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

28 Nov 2012

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation

Standard Boring Log

19 Jun 2001

Texas Department of Transportation

Drilling Log
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

08 Sep 2002

Texas Department of Transportation
WinCore v. 3 Compliant Files
 Read the text file before using

Drilling Log
Material Symbols Legend
(v. 7 and later)
View Text File

23 Apr 2012

Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission

Monitor Well Data Sheet, Form 10308
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

26 Jun 2002

Toronto Transit Commission

Overburden Log
Rock Log
Atterberg Limits Graph
Grain Size Graph
Hatching Patterns
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

17 Oct 2003

USDA Textural Classification Chart

Triangle Chart
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

05 Jan 2003

Virginia Department of Transportation

Boring Log

Download from the Virginia DOT site.

West Virginia Department of Transportation

Boring Log
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

18 Oct 2002

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Soil Boring Log Information
Form 4400-122 and -122A, Rev. 7-98
Monitoring Well Construction
Form 4400-113A, Rev. 7-98
Monitoring Well Development
Form 4400-113B, Rev. 7-98
Well/Drillhole/Borehole Abandonment
Form 3300-5, Rev. 4-08
Groundwater Monitoring Well Information
Form 4400-89, Rev. 7-98
Groundwater Monitoring Inventory
Form, Form 3300-67, Rev. 8-95
(v. 5 and later)
View Text File

06 Sep 2012