Stop calculating decimal feet when wanting to enter inches

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Original Tip Date: Jul. 11, 2005

Stop calculating decimal feet when wanting to enter inches
Sheldon Lutterman stumbled upon this and thought he's share it here.

If your drawing is set up to display decimal feet but you want to enter your values in inches, just preceed the value by .. (dot dot). Not only does this save you time by eliminating the need for calculating the decimal equivalent, it's also way cool!

For example:
For 2" simply keyin ..2 instead of 0.1666. This will display as :2 in AccuDraw's keyin window.

For 3.5" simply keyin ..3.5 instead of 0.2916666. This will display as :3.5 in AccuDraw's keyin window.

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AskInga Tip #548