Use Saved Views from references for navigating - Part 1

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Original Tip Date: Sep 26, 2005

Use saved views from references for navigating - Part 1
Matthew DeBeliso from City of San Diego Water & Sewer Design Division offers this awesome tip!

Did you know that a saved view created in a model can be activated in ANY model within the design file?

Take a look at the clip below. Here we have a multi-model file and the Planimetry model has several saved views...SubDiv1, SubDiv2, and SubDiv3. When this model is attached to Default, it's saved views are available for navigation purposes even though they are not listed in the active models saved view dialog. Too cool.

Did ya notice how fast you can attach a file to itself as a reference via a keyin? Refer to: Tip #430

For Part 2 of this tip, refer to: Tip #556


AskInga Tip #554