Eliminate extra spaces with unstacked fractions in MicroStation V8

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Original Tip Date: Sep 22, 2006

Eliminate extra spaces with unstacked fractions in MicroStation V8
With thanks to Barry Hughes and Michael Hall for sharing this on the discussion group:
To eliminate the extra spaces when dimensioning with unstacked fractions - change them to stacked fractions. You can use the following keyins followed by the Change Dimension tool to convert them.

set stackfractions on

Related keyins:
set stackfractions off
set stackfractions toggle

In MicroStation V8, you can also set the stacked fractions on/off via the Unit Format category in the Dimension Styles dialog. The final appearance of the dimension text will be dependent upon the font being used and the stacked fractions settings set as per the dimension style dialog.

Related Tip:
Eliminate Extra Spaces With Unstacked Fractions In MicroStation XM

AskInga Tip #673