Comma separate dimension text

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Original Tip Date: May 15, 2003

Comma separate dimension text
Oh this is so sweet...and many thanks to Bentley's Josh Schifter for sharing it on the v8.dimensioning newsgroup!

To place comma separated dimension text do the following:

Ensure that the dimension master unit is set to metric. Go to Element > Dimensions > Unit Format > Metric Format > Units Separator and select the last option from the picklist! That's all there is to it!

Note, for old V8 you'll have to go to Element > Dimensions > Unit Format and turn on Unit Separation. Then keyin the following: mdl load calculat;calculator mdlDimStyle_setBoolIntProp dgnDimStyle_getActiveFromModelRef (0), 1, 1046) and save the changes to the dimension style.


AskInga Tip #297