Use clipboard operations to salvage pre-edited graphics

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Original Tip Date: Mar 30, 2007

Use clipboard operations to salvage pre-edited graphics
Here's a great tip from Hilton Quinn that shows how to use clipboard to salvage /restore elements to a pre-edited state while still preserving the edits.

Take the clip for example:

1) Select a group of elements and move to another location. Or, just manipulate them so that they are off of thier original location.

2) Make a series of edits, such as deleting the stairs as shown.

At this point, you'd like to restore the original elements, while still maintaining the new changes.

3) Copy the edited graphics to the clipboard.

4) Undo all of the changes until the original elements have been restored.

5) Paste the modified work back into the drawing.

Related Tip:
Paste Elements At Same Graphical Location

AskInga Tip #709