Dialog box IDs

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Original Tip Date: Feb 16, 2001

Dialog box ID's
To find out what the ID is for any dialog / tool box, use this set of keyins:

Dmsg dialogdebug on
Open a tool box and note the ID number in the message box. It will normally appear as

When you're done, stop the dialog debugger with the keyin: Dmsg dialogdebug off

You can then use the following keyins:

To close a dialog from a macro: MbeSendKeyin "dmsg closedialog -46" where 46 is the ID for the dialog box.

To close a dialog from MicroStation: dmsg closedialog -46 where 46 is the ID for the dialog box.

To close a dialog from an application, use: MbeSendKeyin "dmsg closedialog GEOGRAPH 5046" Note that the application must be started.

AskInga Tip #70