Invalid characters in level and model names

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Original Tip Date: Apr 19, 2002

Invalid characters in level and model names
MicroStation V8 - Unless otherwise noted, the following invalid characters are not permitted in either level names and model names:

Percent ( % ) Permitted in level names
Ampersand ( & )
Asterisk ( * )
Vertical bar ( | )
Backslash ( \ )
Forward slash ( / )
Colon ( : ) Permitted in level names
Period ( . ) Permitted in model names
Less than ( < )
Greater than ( > )
Double quotation mark ( " )
Single quotation mark ( ' ) Permitted in model names
Question mark ( ? )
Comma ( , )
Equal ( = )

Note: Although MicroStation does not allow the usage of these characters, it is possible to receive a file that contains them. In this case, the model or level may be problematic and require you to remove the offending characters before proceeding. This is especially true when dealing with DWG files or ex-DWG files.

AskInga Tip #151