Document your custom line styles

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Original Article Date: Aug 18, 2005 

Miro Mates shares this V8 MDL that generates an index of your custom line styles. What a time saver!!! As always, thanks Miro!!!

Download and extract from the zip file.
Place the ma file in the folder pointed to by MS_MDLAPPS.
Keyin mdl load docls_v8 to load the application or...

Configure MS_DGNAPPS to automatically load the application upon startup.

Once loaded, select the button and place the line style index in your file.

It just can't get any easier than that! :-)

Note regarding V7:
This same application used to be available for V7 via this long-dead link:
Additional information used to reside here at this dead link:

This program is supplied as is. This program does not come with support. AskInga, Bentley Systems Inc., and the author of the program assumes no liability for damages direct, indirect, or consequential, which may result from the use of this program. Use this program at your own risk.

AskInga Article #262