Original Article Date: Oct 20, 2006
With many thanks to Alexie Karavakis for providing this nifty little application that places plot shapes in your drawing to facilitate multi-scale plotting, or just to help determine the scale of a drawing based on the paper size. Very handy indeed!
Download 304.zip and extract all contents from the zip file.
Place the CreatePlotShapes.mvba and PlotShapes.txt in the folder pointed to by MS_VBASEARCHDIRECTORIES
Keyin vba load CreatePlotShape to load the project, or...
Configure MS_VBAAUTOLOADPROJECTS to automatically load the mvba project upon startup.
Keyin vba run modCreatePlotShape.CreatePlotShape to run the macro, or better yet....
Place the keyin on a either a function key or custom button for quick and easy access.
This macro uses PlotShapes.txt to determine the level to place the plot shape on as well as to obtain the plot/paper sizes.
Full instructions for editing the level and/or paper sizes can be found inside this file, so feel free to open and edit to suit.
One important note:
The paper sizes must be specified in the same working units as your design file. The default is inches, but the file also contains size information for meters. Simply open and edit this file as needed.
The animation below shows the application in action for a file set up in meters.
This program is supplied as is. This program does not come with support. AskInga, Bentley Systems Inc., and the author of the program assumes no liability for damages direct, indirect, or consequential, which may result from the use of this program. Use this program at your own risk.
AskInga Article #304