Suspend MicroStation open a DOS window and start another application

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Original Tip Date: Nov. 5, 2003

Suspend MicroStation, open a DOS window and start another application
MicroStation V8.5 - Both ! and bang will suspend/halt MicroStation, open a command shell and, if instructed, also send a string.

For example:

Will start a command shell.

Will start a command shell

!start iexplore
Will suspend MicroStation, open the command shell, start Microsoft Internet Explorer and open

!start winword d:\temp\MyNotes.doc
Will suspend MicroStation, open the command shell, start MS Word and open MyNotes.doc.

bang d:\mystuff\MyBatch.bat
Will open the command shell and run the batch file. Like above, MicroStation will be halted until the command shell is closed.

In older versions of MicroStation, you may have to load ntbang first with this keyin: mdl load ntbang

With thanks to Bentley's Gino Cortesi for posting this tidbit on the v8.general newsgroup.


AskInga Tip #335