Maximum cell sizes and more

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Original Tip Date:  January 2004

Updated:  October 2010

Maximum cell sizes and more

Erik Lofgren was popping back some dandy homemade pfeffernusse when he shared the following information regarding MicroStation V7 maximum cell size:

- Did you know that the maximum cell size in MicroStation V7 is 128kb?

- And did you know that if you place a 2D cell in a 3D file, all of the elements in it must be expanded from their 2D representations to 3D representations?

- And did you know that the amount of expansion depends on the type of element?

- And did you know that a 15% - 20% expansion is not unusual?

- And did you know that this expansion could actually increase your cell size above the 128kb size limit?

- And did you know that when that happens, the cell will be too large to place?

Well, now you know.

In addition to the above tidbits, the maximum V8 cell size is 4gb.

 AskInga Tip #384