Use the old window area tool to propagate the display depth

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Original Tip Date:  November 2005

Updated:  November 2011

With thanks to Mary Bloswick for contributing this awesome 3D viewing tip!

When working in a 3D file with one "master view" and a couple of "detail views", try using the keyin window area instead of the window area icon on the view control tool bar.

Although you might think it's the same, it's not. The icon is executing the keyin window area extended which does not propagate the Display Depth setting to the target view. In addition, it also retains the target view rotation, rather than aligning it with my source view.

So to overcome this, I have the old window area command on a function key and use that when I need to apply my source view settings to my target view.

Try it yourself! Oh yeah, one last thing...if you do a SHIFT+Right Click and select the Window Area from that menu, it will be the old one command that asks you to select a view.

AskInga Tip #560