User can export the model from E3D using the "Steel Detailing Neutral File" (SDNF) format. SACS can import this file format from Precede.
The imported file should be in .dat format.
1. Open blank model in Precede
2. Import sdnf.dat file into Precede. In Precede, go to File > Import Steel Detailing File, enter the import Options, and locate the file.
3. After the file have been imported into SACS, save the sacinp. file.
If you want to import the file into an existing SACS model, first convert the SDNF file into SACS and then follow additional steps below:
4. Open the existing model that you want to model the additional support
5. Import the sacinp.test into the existing model. In Precede, go to File > Import SACS Model File