Enterprise Settings

Enterprise Settings


The Enterprise Settings page provides an access point where you can define various enterprise level settings which will apply across all projects in an organization.

ProjectWise Drive settings let you configure the project file location when using ProjectWise Drive to sync project documents with your computer, so that you can access and work on your documents directly from File Explorer or from your desktop applications.

Document wizard settings let you define when to use or not document code when creating documents, either in the default project document management system or in a Work Area connection if one has been created.

Co-authoring settings let you configure SharePoint storage to be used for co-authoring sessions. By default, co-authoring session data is stored in a user's OneDrive for Business. It is now possible to configure a private SharePoint site storage to hold co-authoring files instead. This is more secure and does not use any user's personal storage.

Component Center is a cloud-based digital component library and catalog management service. It allows an organization to manage and distribute digital components across projects, disciplines, and supply chains

User management settings allow you to add/remove users, define roles and permissions and manage entitlements for users on an enterprise level which will apply for each project where the user is added.

Enterprise Users – Manage the organization’s Users, Groups and Enterprise Roles

Enterprise RBAC RolesAdministrators have the ability to create and manage specific roles through the Subscription Services Portal. These Enterprise Roles can then be used in any project.

Entitlement ManagementThe Entitlement Management Service, located on the Subscription Services Portal of the CONNECT Center, allows an Administrator to manage license usage for their organization’s applications.

A user needs CONNECT Services Admin Enterprise role to view and access all Enterprise settings.

Except for Components Center which manages its own permissions. Please read this article to know more about Components Center permissions.


How to access Enterprise Settings

Go to Infrastructure Cloud portal (https://infrastructurecloud.bentley.com/).

In the upper right corner, click the Enterprise Services button.

ProjectWise Drive

ProjectWise Drive is used to sync project documents with your computer, so that you can access and work on your documents directly from File Explorer or from your desktop applications.

Infrastructure Cloud users can download and install ProjectWise Drive on their Windows computer. Once ProjectWise Drive is installed and you synchronize your project, all your folders and documents become available in the ProjectWise Drive node in File Explorer, and you can instantly begin working on the documents in your project as if you were working on files and folders on your local file system. You can open documents directly from your desktop applications for viewing and editing. From the ProjectWise Drive node in File Explorer you can download documents (or entire folders), check out and check in documents, and add new folders and documents. Document creation supports the use of the Create Document Wizard for entering document code and environment attributes.

To get started:

No additional license is needed to use ProjectWise Drive.

[Note: Only one Work Area Connection can be enabled for ProjectWise Drive.]

[Note: Most users should be able to begin using ProjectWise Drive without any additional configuration needed from the administrator. Only one work area connection per project can be enabled for ProjectWise Drive, and the first work area connection that is added to a project is automatically enabled for ProjectWise Drive by default. Also, if your project already contains one or more connections, then the first connection in the list will be automatically enabled for ProjectWise Drive by default. However, if the connection that is currently enabled for ProjectWise Drive is not the connection that your users need to synchronize, then the project administrator will need to change which connection is enabled for ProjectWise Drive.]

Configuring ProjectWise Drive Settings for Your Organization

The actual location on each user's computer where documents from the synced project are downloaded to is known as the ProjectWise Drive file location.

The default ProjectWise Drive file location for every organization is:



%userprofile%\ProjectWise is the ProjectWise Drive root folder, and where %userprofile% (which typically expands to C:\Users\<user.name>) is the user profile location for the user you are logged in to the computer as.

<organization_name> is the folder that is named after the organization that owns the ProjectWise project

<project_name> is folder that is named after the project that is being synced.

The default ProjectWise Drive file location can be used as is, or it can be changed as needed from the Enterprise Services page in Infrastructure Cloud.

On the Enterprise Services page, click Manage on the ProjectWise Drive tile.

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Administrators can:

Any file location settings that you change can be set back to the default if needed.

Defining the File Location for Your Organization

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Project File Location

This field shows the current ProjectWise Drive root file location.

To change the root file location, turn off Use default and enter a new file path. For example, set the root file location to be an absolute path, such as C:\PWDrive.

To use the default location, turn on Use default. If you were using a different location, turning on Use default resets the default location back to %userprofile%\ProjectWise.

Organization Name

This field shows the full name of the organization.

To change the name of the organization as used in the file location path, turn off Use default and edit the name of the organization.

To use the full name of the organization in the file location path, turn on Use default. If you had edited the name, turning on Use default resets the name to the full name of the organization.

Folders for projects will be named ... Using project name / Using project number

To use the name of the project as the name of the project folder in the file location path, turn on Folders for projects will be named > Using project name (default).

To use the number of the project as the name of the project folder in the file location path, turn on Folders for projects will be named > Using project number.

When you have finished changing file location settings, click Save.

After you change the file location for your organization, all users who are currently synchronizing projects belonging to this organization will get a notification in their ProjectWise Drive app window (shown below), telling them that the administrator has changed the organization's file location, and that they will need to resynchronize their projects to use the new file location. These users should check in any checked out documents first, and then click the link provided in their ProjectWise Drive app window when they are ready to resynchronize their projects.

Document Wizard

The Document Wizard tab on the Enterprise Settings page in Infrastructure Cloud portal contains organization level settings that control whether the Create Document Wizard is used when creating documents. These settings can then be overridden as needed at the Documents or work area connection level, or at the individual folder level, through folder settings in Infrastructure Cloud portal.

[Note: Automatic documents check out when working in ProjectWise Drive is enabled by default for the entire organization, but there is no enterprise setting for it. If you need to disable automatic document check out for certain work area connections or individual folders, you can do so through folder settings.]

Defining Create Document Wizard Settings for Your Organization

On the Enterprise Settings page, click Manage on the Document Wizard tile.

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Make changes to settings as needed and click Save when finished.

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When creating new documents in work area connections

These settings control whether or not the Create Document Wizard opens for users when creating documents in a work area connection from Infrastructure Cloud portal, or from a synced work area connection in ProjectWise Drive, and can be overridden as needed at the folder level through folder settings.

  • Use Document Wizard in folders with document code - When on, and a user is creating a document in a folder that has an environment assigned which has document code, then the Create Document Wizard will open for the user to fill out document code, general document properties (document name, description, file name, and version), and environment attributes.
  • Use Document Wizard in folders without document code - When on, and a user is creating a document in a folder that either has no environment assigned, or has an environment assigned which does not have document code, then the Create Document Wizard will open for the user to fill out general document properties (document name, description, file name, and version) and environment attributes (if the folder has an environment assigned to it).

When creating new documents in Documents area

This setting controls whether or not the Create Document Wizard opens for users when creating documents in the Documents folder in the Documents area in the Infrastructure Cloud portal, or from the synced Documents folder in ProjectWise Drive, and can be overridden as needed at the folder level through folder settings.

Use Document Wizard - When on, the Create Document Wizard opens whenever the user creates a document.


When working from the Infrastructure Cloud portal and the Create Document Wizard is not used, the document selected for upload is automatically uploaded (the user is not provided with any dialog to fill out any document properties before the document is created).

When working from ProjectWise Drive v2022.1.x or later and the Create Document Wizard is not used, and the Automatically check out documents in ProjectWise Drive folder setting is on, ProjectWise Drive will automatically create a new document (automatically upload it) when the user adds a new file to a folder in ProjectWise Drive. If the user has a previous version of ProjectWise Drive installed, they will continue to have the extra step of manually adding the new file to ProjectWise after adding it to a folder in ProjectWise Drive.

Co-authoring settings

SharePoint-based co-authoring allows users to co-author documents stored in Infrastructure Cloud. It is an enhancement over OneDrive-based co-authoring released earlier. These are main benefits:

To begin using this feature, organizations need to:

End users would continue using Co-authoring as usual. There is no visible difference, other than the improved capabilities.

Configuring SharePoint site for co-authoring

On the Enterprise Settings page, click Manage on the Co-authoring settings tile.

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To add a new SharePoint site suitable for co-authoring these administrative steps must be performed:

  1. Register a new (empty) SharePoint site dedicated exclusively for co-authoring
  2. Grant tenant wide access to the application that orchestrates the whole co-authoring workflow within the site.

Consent to these two permissions is required:

    1. Sites.Selected – this is an application permission for Microsoft Graph which allows specific site Admins to grant Read or Write permission to the app. By itself this permission does nothing, but it allows the app to be granted permissions on specific SharePoint sites.
    2. User.Read – allows users to log-in and read their basic profile information (like email for invitations to co-author)
  1. Give access to Office365 Integration – SharePoint application to allow control of the documents in the site created in step 1.
  2. OPTIONAL external users: current iteration of the configuration wizard does not validate invitations for external users. It is up to the tenant and site owners to configure the external user policy in such a way that it would suit the organization’s security requirements and needs. Our co-authoring implementation does not have elevated permissions of any kind, thus if external sharing is off (or is off for that specific site) then invitations for external users to co-author will not work. External user policy configuration information can be found on Microsoft site here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/turn-external-sharing-on-or-off

Configuration wizard:

Component Center

Components Center is a cloud-based digital component library and catalog management service. It allows an organization to manage and distribute digital components across projects, disciplines, and supply chains.

The service provides:

Configuring Components

On the Enterprise Settings page, click Manage on the Component center tile.

Please refer to this article to learn how to configure and work with Component Center.