This Wiki page is designed to quickly get you, someone with experience in earlier versions of MicroStation, up to speed and productive with MicroStation CONNECT Edition. This will provide a solid foundation and a resource for learning new workflows and features of MicroStation CONNECT Edition.
Become productive with MicroStation CONNECT Edition from Day 1 and work the way you are used to, while also taking advantage of new workflows that will ultimately allow you to be come more efficient.
Upgrading to MicroStation CONNECT Edition
Migrating to MicroStation CONNECT Edition
MicroStation CONNECT Edition 2D basics 01 - Creating a New File, Intro to UI and Saving your Work
MicroStation CONNECT Edition 2D basics 02 - Workflow, Ribbon, Tools, Settings and More |
click here for the MicroStation Community
MicroStation Special Interest Group (LEARNserver) |