Error Number 650 - MDMT: unable to determine ... message appears in AutoPIPE Vessel


When analyzing a model in AutoPIPE Vessel the following message appears:

650 - MDMT: unable to determine .

Why and how to avoid it?


In this one reported case, the user was analyzing a pressure vessel using CADAP 2022 and designated ASME materials. When reviewing the reported Minimum Design Metal Temperature section, the following was shown:

Note: Gr values are read from graph ND1-ND6 in CT Materials document available on SNCT website (as CODAP) here.

The key piece of information here is the "Reference temperature" information in the table is missing. Without this data the application cannot calculate the remaining values in the table. 

When reviewing the material specified by this model, found the following:

Note: no reference temperature is specified. 


There are two solutions to this issue. 

Option #1:

Use a material that already has a designated Reference temperature. 

Example: EN10028-2 materials have a reference temperature, indicated below:

Option #2:

User can update the material to add the Reference Temperature, shown below, and provide a value for the setting. 

After using one of the above solutions the table is now filled in and the error message was not displayed: